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ips are not sensitive - an informational page

this page aims to disprove some very common misinformation regarding ip addresses and their sensitivity.

why ips aren't sensitive

every server you access on the internet can log your ip address. every computer you communicate with on the internet has access to this information.

ip addresses are crucial to communication on the internet. if the servers you connect to couldn't access this information, the internet would not work as a whole.

the only thing an individual can do with your ip address is either ddos you, or scan your local network for open servers (which if you have them, you should be properly securing them regardless)

as a regular person, the only thing that you have to worry about is your internet connection being knocked offline for a while. your personal data has absolutely no risk if your computer isnt hosting a publicly availiable server on the internet.

i got my ip address logged. what do i do now?


assuming you have a fully updated system with the default firewall settings and no open ports, you should be safe from any long lasting attacks. (if you don't know what "firewall" or "port" means, you don't need to worry as the default settings are fine)

chances are, the "attacker" won't do anything with this information at all, as everything they can do is largely unimportant.

wait a while, if the individual decides to attempt to ddos your network, contact your isp and tell them about this issue. they will usually give you a new ip address or tell you how to get one.

at worst, you'll lose internet access for a couple hours. maybe go outside some, its good for you.

is there anything i can do to prevent this?

for the most part, no. ip addresses are integral to the functionality of the internet.

if you're really worried, you can buy a vpn, but most people have no use for one.

if you want to go down this path, be careful what you buy/use. almost all free vpns are more of a threat to you than the sharing of your ip address ever will be.